Thursday, February 17, 2011

Menstrual Cycle Animation

Click here for an animation about the menstrual cycle.

Click here or a second animation about the menstrual cycle. This one is more advanced, but helpful.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Female Reproductive System

Click here to access a website about the female reproductive system. On the website, click on the diagram of the female reproductive system, and then if you click on each of the organs a bubble will appear with information about the organ.

1. What are the main female hormones?
2. What hormones stimulate the gonads to produce their hormones?

Male Reproductive System

Click here to access a website with information on the male reproductive system.
On the website you will find links to articles with useful information on human general health. Which articles and pieces of information did you find more interesting?

1. Where does meiosis occur in males?
2. What is the product of meiosis in males?
3. What is the main hormone produced by the testicles?
4. What is the function of this male hormone?
5. Can you identify and describe the function of three organs of the male reproductive system?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis

Click here to view an animation about spermatogenesis. Take the quiz at the end. How did you do?

Click here to view an animation about oogenesis.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mitosis Animations

Click here for a narrated animation of mitosis. Take the quiz when you are finished. How did you do? Do you want to view the animations we watched during class? Click here to view the animation by CELLS alive and here to view the second animation.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

How is an antigen involved in the immune response?

Click here for a short animation of how antigens stimulate antibody production. There are several other immune system animations on the right side of the page! Enjoy:)

Did you watch any of the other animations? If so, which ones were the most helpful or relevant?