Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Vaccines are used to expose the immune system to harmful antigens and teach the body how to fight back. Vaccines contain a form of dead or weakened pathogens. This causes our body to release antibodies in response to this type of pathogen.

After fighting off the vaccine, the body retains a lasting memory of how to fight off that particular type of attack. Watch this animation to
learn more.

What diseases have you been vaccinated against?


  1. now i understand how vaccines help you get better
    Matthew n. 7B

  2. Oh. Could you post what you said about the diseases that have been completely wiped off earth? That was interesting. Thanks.

    Isadora N 7E

  3. When I was really sick once, I got a ton of shots of vaccines. The only thing I knew about them was that they hurt really bad. This helped a lot!
    Thanks Leslie!

    Charlotte D. 7G

  4. Im confused about the flu shot. How can scientists predict how the flu virus will change.

    Isadora N

  5. Thank goodness humans figured out how to weaken the pathogen in the vaccine. I remember reading a book that said that in the past they would take some blood from a person that died of the sickness and would give it to people as a vaccine and the patients could get sick of the pathogen in the vaccine and die, but nowadays that does not happen, luckily :)

    Rick M. 7F

  6. this really helped me understand what vaccines are the main function.

  7. This was a good animation! I never knew that in vaccines that have weakened or dead pathogens....until now.

    Kevin C. 7F

  8. it was pretty helpful but there were times when i didn't know what somethings are....or im not completely sure of it.

    Zi Ying C. 7E

  9. This is probably a jynx or something because on the day we talk about the immune system, i get sick!!

  10. This animation really helped me understand more about vaccines. Thanks Leslie!

    - Paola W. 7E

  11. Awesome video. I guess our immune system does need a little helpful power up from time to time.

  12. This is cool how the body remembers all of these pathogens.

    Nicolaj C.

  13. I like the dramatic intro! :]
    The subs of the animation do not actually correspond to the audio, right? I just want to make sure that the animation is working the way it is.

    I have been vaccinated against Hepatitis B, DTP, Polio, Heamophilus Influenzae Type b, Measles, Mimps, Rubella, Varicella and some other diseases that are too long to type :D
    It's good to have the immunization record handy!

    ~Andrea C. 7A

  14. This really helped me understand how vaccines help me! I'm glad I get vaccinated against different diseases because if I didn't I would get sick more easily!

  15. The idea of vaccines was really smart. I got a bunch of vaccines and i never got those diseases. I never got the chicken pox one, and i ended up getting chicken pox!

    Saraf R 7F

  16. I always though a vaccine shot was just another annoying shot your parents made you get. Boy, was I wrong! I didn't know before that they actually help us A LOT by teaching our bodies what to do when that specific pathogen enters our body.

  17. That was a great video

    -Elliot W. 7B

  18. this was a really cool animation!! i understand it better now!! thanks leslie!!

    ~Ashley L. 7A

  19. That really was interesting, thank you. now i understand vaccines
    Amanda O'Dell

  20. this animation is cool and is their a brainpop on vaccines


  21. I love how several animations make the bacteria, vaccines and other microscopic organisms seem so colorful.
